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Pledge an on going monthly donation. Thank you for your ongoing support!
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Ways to make a BIG impact
The Need is Here. The Time is Right
With your support, we are poised to increase our impact, into the next century, for generations to come.
Annual Fund
Your gift has the power to fortify and grow our programs for the future. Our Children's Program, our Friend 2 Friend Program and our Camp & College Scholarship Programs are the backbone of JBBBS. With an investment in our annual fund, we will evolve and innovate so our programs stay relevant and meaningful in changing times. We are deepening our continuum of care, alying the groundwork to serve more people and intensifying our work with refugee communities.
Growing our endowment fund will secure the future. Because if there is one thing we can be sure of it's that some things will never change:
- the need for one-to-one human connection
- the transformative power of mentorship
- enduring friendship as a centerpiece of a life well-lived
- and the inspiration of knowing someone believes in you, cares about you and wants to see you succeed.

If you have a DAF through Fidelity, Schwab, or BNY Mellon, you can enter your information through DAF Direct.
For any questions, to donate a gift of stock, or to include JBBBS in your planned giving please contact us at Thank you for your support.