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Zachary Malenfant On my first day working at Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters, I quickly realized that this was going to be different from any company I had worked for before. Right away, I could feel the pride from my new coworkers regarding the impact we were having in the community. The world of non-profit…
Read Moreby Janet Altman Mentoring students through the JBBBS college mentoring program brings me much joy. This program provides a rewarding mentoring experience with economically disadvantaged first-generation students who aspire to attend and complete college. I am invigorated by the fortitude of my two student matches. My goal as a mentor is to build a trusting…
Read MoreJBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 19. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship. Christine Ngigi is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask her a few questions about…
Read MoreJBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 19. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship. Ann Trehub is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask her a few questions about…
Read MoreJBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 19. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship. Marty Packer is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask him a few questions about…
Read MoreJBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 19. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship. David O’Neil is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask him a few questions about…
Read MoreBy Diana Rock My Little Sister, Leah, and I love making the most out of summer. Summer, to us, is about fun and laughter. Summer means endless possibilities and adventures. It’s about making memories and taking advantage of what life has to offer. And without a doubt that is what Leah and I have done.…
Read MoreBy Dean Cohen I have been a JBBBS volunteer for 37 years starting in 1986 in Los Angeles. I have had three matches, my latest and longest match has been with Dan as part of the Friend 2 Friend program for the past 28 years. After Dan and I first met with our social worker,…
Read Moreby Josh Jick Participating in the Rodman Ride is always a blast. I should know – I’ve done it eight times! My first connection to Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters (JBBBS) was when I was an undergrad at Brandeis University. A group of friends convinced me to volunteer at the Rodman Ride. Once I learned…
Read MoreBy Ky and Kelvin Ky and Kelvin were matched in the JBBBS LGBTQ+ program 4 years ago, when Ky was 11. Together, they have written this blog sharing their experience with JBBBS: Ky: When we met, it was like an instant connection. We both identify as being trans so talking about our journeys has always…
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