BIG Brunch Honoree Sabrina Corsetti

JBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 17. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship.

Sabrina Corsetti is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask her a few questions about her volunteer experience.   

Why did you decide to first volunteer with JBBBS?

I heard about Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters through MIT GradHillel, and it sounded like an amazing opportunity to get involved in the Boston community! I then talked with a few members of the JBBBS staff and was blown away by how cheerful, positive, and welcoming they were. I loved their descriptions of MAGIC as an opportunity to make a positive difference just by making friends, and from there it was an easy decision!

What is your favorite thing about volunteering with JBBBS?

I love getting to spend time with the whole MAGIC community! Going out for events is an opportunity to break out of my usual bubble and spend time with an amazing group of people from all over the Boston area, all while doing a variety of fun activities!

What are your favorite activities to do with your match?

Danielle makes every activity enjoyable, with how sunny and outgoing she is! Although, some favorite activities are anything that makes it easy to socialize with others. Walks around Coolidge Corner and freeform arts and crafts events are especially great!

What is your favorite memory of your JBBBS volunteer experience?

A recent favorite was doing accessible martial arts, hosted by Easterseals. The whole MAGIC event was a blast, since it got people moving around and often trying something new! I also found out through that event that Danielle is a big fan of Easterseals and had been to a bunch of their events! Another highlight of this past year was volunteering for Yom Sport. This summer was my first Yom Sport, and now I’m already planning to be around for the next one! That was an incredible community event.

What have you learned from volunteering with JBBBS?

Getting involved in JBBBS has helped me get a lot more outgoing and comfortable with meeting new people. It might sound cliche, but it’s truly taught me that if you go out into the world as yourself, it can actually be easy to make friends with the right people (and this is coming from someone who’s usually pretty shy)!

What are three words you would use to describe your JBBBS volunteer experience?

Warmhearted, uplifting, fulfilling

What would you say to someone who is considering volunteering with JBBBS?

Don’t think twice! Volunteering with JBBBS has been one of the single biggest highlights of my time in Boston. You’ll get to make a huge group of friends just by attending great events, trying new activities, and being yourself. It’s absolutely worth a try!

Do you have advice for someone who is just starting out their volunteer journey with JBBBS?

Just jump in and enjoy yourself! If you show up enthusiastic and ready to make friends, you’ll fit in right away. You’ll be shocked by just how much of an impact JBBBS can have on your life in just a short time.

Sabrina joined JBBBS as a Friend 2 Friend volunteer in late 2022 and has loved getting to be a part of such a vibrant and kindhearted community! She has especially enjoyed getting to know her Friend 2 Friend match, Danielle. Sabrina studied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Sabrina moved to Massachusetts, where she is now pursuing her PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT as a member of the Photonics and Electronics Research Group.

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