BIG Brunch Honoree Dennis Topakov

JBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 17. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship.
Dennis Topakov is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask him a few questions about his volunteer experience.
Why did you decide to first volunteer with JBBBS?
When I went to school at UMass Amherst I had the opportunity to be the head coach of the Amherst JV Baseball team. It was a wonderful experience because I was thrown into the fire of managing 16 teenage boys. We had a great season and built some really great relationships. Some of the parents had written me letters towards the end of the year with disclosing certain problems they were having with their young men, whether it be grades, sports or outside of school and had asked me to speak to them because they felt their sons would listen to them. This was a huge surprise to me and the first time I felt that my voice mattered and could potentially steer someone in the right direction. Fast forward several years, I felt like I had begun having my feet underneath me in this world and I couldn’t help but shake this feeling of wanting to help. Specifically, wanting to help someone like a younger me because I vividly remembered being very lost in this world as a young man.
What is your favorite thing about volunteering with JBBBS?
My favorite detail is my match, Danny. Him and I have such a great connection that I sometimes think he’s my genuine brother above anything else. I look forward to hanging out with him and it’s helped that he’s followed in my footsteps going to BC High. I also enjoy the checkups that JBBBS provides. I think it is a great temperature check on the connection and way to make sure that both parties are getting the most out of the interaction.
What are your favorite activities to do with your match?
My favorite activities are watching various new movies that come out in theaters, going to sporting events like the Bruins and Red Sox and, something that has gained a lot of steam recently, rating nachos at new restaurants when we grab lunch or dinner. Nothing has gotten a 9.0 yet, with 8.7 being the highest!!
What is your favorite memory of your JBBBS volunteer experience?
My favorite memories are my rides home with Danny, bringing him back to his mom. During these rides we typically talk about life, school, current events. But mostly we talk about life. Danny sometimes asks me philosophical questions about life, about getting into college, about homework, etc and I feel lucky in the sense that Danny and I had similar upbringings which allows me to really understand where his question is coming from. It genuinely brings me the most joy knowing that he feels I can answer a question that he himself has not found an answer to.
What have you learned from volunteering with JBBBS?
I have learned patience, understanding, and the ability to appreciate that even though the world happens a certain way, each individual person views that world in their own carefully curated prism.
What are three words you would use to describe your JBBBS volunteer experience?
Fulfilling, reflective, inspiring.
What would you say to someone who is considering volunteering with JBBBS?
Volunteering is really easy. I genuinely feel it is not difficult because as a mentor you inherently have SO much to give just by showing up and if you decide to plan something special, that’s an added bonus! What is actually the difficult part is are you ready to take on the ownership within yourself of being a mentor. I believe there is no better gift than the opportunity to help shape a young mind but that means working on your own biases, working on yourself to make sure that you are showing up as your best self to the person who is looking up to you.
Dennis joined JBBBS as a Big in 2019 and has been best friends with his Little Danny for over 4 years! Dennis has been outspoken about how being a Big has done more for him as a person than he could have ever imagined. Dennis immigrated to America with his mother from Siberia when he was 8 years old and they settled in Dorchester. He attended Boston College High School then continued his education at UMass Amherst. He now works at Arrowstreet Capital with their institutional clients.
Great program! I am very happy for Danny and Dennis.